Oracle Netzwerk Geschwindigkeits-Test-Tool oratcptest.jar (z. B. für Data Guard, RMAN)

Im Oracle Dokument „Measuring Network Capacity using oratcptest (Doc ID 2064368.1)“ ist ein interessantes Tool zum Messen von Netzwerk-Durchsatz-Parametern beschrieben.

Unter folgenden Link ist das Tool verfügbar (Verwendung auf eigene Gefahr):

Oratcptest is a command line tool that runs on two hosts, one in client mode and the other in server mode, to measure network bandwidth and latency between client and server.
Oratcptest establishes a TCP connect between the client host and server host and then sends network messages to Oratcptest on server host.
Oratcptest running on the server host writes, if desired, the received messages to disk before replying with the ACK message.

Oratcptest could be used as a general purpose tool for measuring network bandwidth and latency.
However,  oratcptest has been written specifically to help customers assess network resources prior to performing Data Guard configuration, RMAN backup, migration, DG instantiation, etc.

Users can control the test behavior by specifying various options.  For example,

Network message size
Delay time in between messages
Parallel sending streams
Whether Oratcptest-server should write messages on disk, or not.
Whether Oratcptest-client should wait for ACK before it sends next message, or not, thus simulating the ASYNC and SYNC transport used by Data Guard.

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